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In the North Central Plains, there are a multitude of natural resources.

BRUSH- Brush litters the Texas floor, playing a big part of Texas wildfires. it grows like a weed and doesnt need much water to suffice itself.  

DOLOMITE-Dolomite is a mineral made of Calcium Magnesium Carbonate, dolomite is also used to describe sedimentary rock wich is mainly made of the mineral Dolomite also known as Dolostone. It can be used as an ornamental stone and a concrete aggregate.

GRASSLANDS- The Texas Grasslands, also known as Prairies are home to most of the Brush. The vegetation in these areas are dominated by grasses.

GYPSUM-Gypsum is a soft sulfate mineral made of Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate. It can be used as fertilizer, goes into the making of plaster and blackboard chalk.

IRON-Iron is a chemical element also known as Fe. It is the fourth most common element on Earth and is used for building and welding.

LIMESTONE-Limestone is a sedimentary rock made of mainly Calcite and Aragonite, which are two different crystals.Lime stone is also made from skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral.

NATURAL GAS- Natural Gas is a fossil fuel made when layers of plants and gases are exposed to intense heat and pressure over thousands of years. it is used for heating and cooking. 

PETROLEUM-Petroleum is a yellow/black liquid that forms underneath the Earth's surface. It can be used as fuel and gas.

RAINFALL- The average rainfall is twenty to thirty inches a year. during the spring there are also violent storms and tornadoes.

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